It's been a couple of years I have been attending Agile Virtual Summit, and it has been a great learning experience. Thanks to Adam Weisbart for putting together a great line up of speakers.
Talks by thought leaders provided some good food for thought, right from Lyssa Adkin's talk about value journaling in the "Coaching Agile Teams Deep Dive – So What Did You Actually DO?" to "How to Read the Room and Change the Outcome" by Marsha Acker to Adam Weisbart's talk on "The Inestimable Disaster of Estimation", each talk had its own unique style of presenting the concepts and thoughts as well as unique takeaways.
Thinking of penning down my learning and reflections from some of the talks.
This blog is about my musings around talk by Ahmed Sidky, Ph.D on "Measuring What Matters - The Art of Measuring Business Agility"
Organizations have embraced agile ways of working over past many years. Depending upon the culture, leadership support, technical landscape and many other factors, the organizations are at varying levels of maturity in agile ways of working. As the agile maturity improves through inspect and adapt and continuous improvement efforts by organizations, they look forward to operating model transformation and business agility.
Business agility seems to be the holy grail for any organization as well as agile transformation consultant. Often the attempt to embrace agile ways of working starts in an IT department. Getting business, product management and enablement functions to embrace the agility still sounds like a distant dream for many organizations, and in general is in a nascent stage in many enterprises.
Being a SAFe Practice Consultant, I am familiar with the way Scaled Agile looks at business agility, with seven core competencies and a freely available business agility assessment that helps enterprises to measure and grow.
Ahmed laid out the way Business Agility Institute interprets Business Agliity and helps enterprises to measure and improve it.
Business Agility Institute defines business agility as follows:
Business Agility is a set of organizational capabilities, behaviors, and ways of working that affords your business the freedom, flexibility, and resilience to achieve its purpose.
It looks at it from domains such as Engaged culture, Responsive customer centricity, People-first leadership, Flexible operations, and Value based delivery. Each of the five domains has capabilities (18 in total) that in turn emphasize on behaviors (84 in total).
The focus of the business agility profile is on behavioral change leading to the purpose of business agility defined as freedom, flexibility and resilience.
To understand how an organization measures against the domains, capabilities, and behaviors, one can visit
You may want to visit a publicly available video by Ahmed talking about the business agility The Business Agility Profile | What is it? to understand it a bit better.
I liked the emphasis on behavior, culture and people in this model while responsive customer centricity remains at the center of the same.
I also found the shape of agility concept very interesting. Understanding what a good sample of the employees across the organization thinks about behaviors driving business agility and then plotting that to see the shape of agility in an organization demonstrates where the organization's business agility is. Does it have more people who are pulling the agility backwards or more people who are pulling the agility forward or is there a tension in between. Identifying this and then deciding how to move forward in the business agility journey is the key of the Business agility profile.
Thanks Ahmed for introducing this concept that helped me look at business agility from a different perspective!
Next article in line from the Agile virtual summit is on Linda Rising's session!